Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obligatory, maybe

Moments of happiness in one of the final days of B.Tech:

- Surrendering (reluctantly) the institute ID card to get clearance from the library; and then thinking of going to the top-level of the library, to see that wonderful sight from the top, and then sliding down the smooth railings of the several flights of stairs.
- Finding that I've scored the perfect ten in my final semester of IIT, and crossed the "unwritten-respectable-mark" of 8.5 in CGPA.
- Celebrating the same with Deepu (with whom I shared the honor) at CCD, mostly by chewing the many ice blocks (they don't have cubes, they come in some other vague shape) in the green apple soda.
- Cool, windy, cloudy evening after a hot and sunny day.
- Getting my cycle repaired, and in better shape, before it changes hands in the near future.
- Writing this blog post :-)